ADROC is an FHA-Approved Lender. We provide attractive, low-interest rate financing available through FHA multifamily and healthcare loan programs. FHA insured loans provide more leverage at better interest rates, and they are non-recourse. The interest rate on FHA insured loans is fixed for the long-term, up to 35 years for existing properties and 40 years on new construction and sub-rehabilitation. FHA loan terms do not discriminate between markets and asset classes. Regardless of the age or location of a project, Borrowers can typically borrow up to 80%-90% of replacement cost or appraised value.
ADROC provides commercial real estate clients with access to diverse lending alternatives providing the most competitive loan terms for multifamily, healthcare, office, retail, hospitality, and other real estate asset classes. Whether you are seeking Conventional, Bridge, Agency, Conduit/CMBS, Mezz, or equity financing, let our established relationships work for you. Tap into our vast network of banks, life insurance companies, mortgage bankers, and private lenders and investors for all your financing needs.
ADROC offers professional services related to developing and preserving affordable housing. We share our years of experience with FHA multifamily housing programs and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) to help preserve and re-develop Section 8, 202, 202/811 PRAC, 236, and Public Housing. We have helped our clients through RAD conversions, Section 202 and 236 prepayment approvals, Section 8 HAP rent increases, and more.
ADROC offers consulting services for commercial real estate developers. Commercial real estate development is a complex process fraught with hazards that can defeat the most promising transaction. Rather than second guessing what the bank will say, put experienced bankers on your team. We have the benefit of analyzing in detail dozens of transactions every year. We put our experience and resources to help spot issues and develop solutions throughout the process and capitalize on opportunities along the way.