FHA Interest Rate Update - June 24, 2019

Few expected the 10-Year Treasury to fall to 2.00% this year.  But that’s exactly where we find ourselves today, driven in part by a combination of lower than expected inflation and weaker economic growth fueled by the U.S.-China trade war. For real estate investors, though, this is a great opportunity to capitalize on some of the lowest interest rates we’ve seen since Q4 2016.

Today’s pricing:

  • 35-year fixed FHA insured loans: 3.25%-3.50%
  • 40-year fixed FHA construction/perm loans: 3.90%-4.15%

These pricing indications are current as of the date posted, subject to market interest rate volatility.  Pricing of FHA insured apartment and healthcare loans may be dependent on loan size and other risk factors.  Call for more information.
