FHA Rate Update: January 27, 2020

Geopolitical concerns surrounding the U.S.-China trade war and the U.S.-Iran conflict have been put on the back-burner.  Taking the spotlight now is the deadly coronavirus outbreak which has investors spooked over the impact to global economic growth.   As equities markets have taken a dive, increasing demand for safer assets has driven the U.S. 10-year down to its lowest level in more than three months.   The new year has also brought more fixed-income investors back to the table further driving interest rates down.

Today’s pricing:

  • 35-year fixed FHA insured loans: 2.90%-3.15%
  • 40-year fixed FHA construction/perm loans: 3.45%-3.70% 

These pricing indications are current as of the date posted, subject to market interest rate volatility.  Pricing of FHA insured apartment and healthcare loans may be dependent on loan size and other risk factors.  Call for more information.